PEW 12 – the Ideal Crimping System

PEW12 eForce

The PEW 12 crimping system from Rennsteig has dies for over 1000 types of terminals. These dies can used interchangeably between manual crimpers, battery powered crimpers and pneumatic crimping machines.

To ensure process reliability, we recommend using positioning guides (locators), available for hundreds of applications, covering the widest range of terminal and contacts.



The crimping jaws' parallel closing action enables high-quality processing and even crimping of the widest variety of crimp connectors.


PEW 12 hand tool   PEW12 CM25-1
 PEW 12 manual crimping tool  PEW 12 pneumatic crimping machine - CM25-1


To download the catalog for the PEW 12 system, click here.